Our Services

From accountancy and auditing to tax advice and consulting,   Fidag brings you all the services you need from a fiduciary company. Whatever the size of your company, we are able to support you in your success.


Accounting services are part of Fidag's core business. We offer a comprehensive service: from the setting-up of an accounting system, to payroll accounting, tax advice, preparing VAT statements and implementing accounting standards, right through to the complete administration of a company.

Fields of expertise

Types of assignment

  • Book keeping and year-end closing

  • Assistance with year-end closing and tax optimisation

  • Preparation and maintenance of payroll accounting, membership of social security schemes

  • VAT registration, preparation of statements and advice on VAT

  • Analysis and evaluation of financial performance

  • Preparation of interim accounts

  • Preparation of consolidated accounts

  • Preparation of budgets and financial projections

  • Preparation of consolidated accounts in accordance with various accounting standards (Swiss Code of Obligations, Swiss GAAP FER, IFRS)

  • Implementation of accounting standards (Swiss GAAP FER, IFRS, HAM2)

Did you know?

Fidag offers IT solutions that allow you to take the step towards digitalisation.


Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla praesentium culpa sunt deserunt inventore, dolores quibusdam delectus incidunt itaque ut, alias quam facere. Esse perspiciatis sint, officia velit deserunt tenetur! Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla praesentium


Fidag is one of just three fiduciary companies based in French-speaking Switzerland that has the accreditation to audit listed companies.

of expertise

Types of assignment

  • Auditing of annual accounts subject to ordinary audit

  • Auditing of annual accounts subject to limited audit

  • Auditing of consolidated accounts

  • Verification of foundation reports

  • Verification of capital reductions and increases

  • Verification of property revaluations

  • Verification of the planned distribution of assets of a company in liquidation

  • Auditing of accounts of professional and non-profit associations

  • Auditing of occupational pension fund accounts

  • Auditing of accounts of public authorities (municipalities, civil communities, associations of municipalities, etc.)

  • Auditing of social security contributions instead of employer audits

  • Review (brief review) of financial statements (PS 910)

  • Review of financial information on the basis of agreed procedures (PS 920)

  • Audits required by the Federal Act on Mergers, Demergers, Conversions

  • Audit of information systems in line with COBIT

Accounting standards

  • Swiss Code of Obligations
  • Swiss GAAP FER
  • Swiss GAAP FER 26
  • Swiss GAAP FER 21
  • HAM2
  • IFRS 
  • IFRS for SME

Auditing Standards

  • Swiss Standard on the Limited Statutory Examination (SER)
  • Swiss Auditing Standards (SA-CH)
  • International Standards on Auditing (ISA)

Today, Fidag has more than 1,100 audit mandates in the main business sectors: construction, service companies, viticulture, machine industry, watchmaking, ski lifts, specialised institutions, non-profit organisations, pension funds, public authorities, etc.

Continuous training

Maintaining and developing skills is essential. The team in the audit department are committed to ongoing education and training, particularly with EXPERTsuisse, the University of Lausanne and the HES-SO.

They are also involved in the Audit Committee and the Sub-committee on Occupational Pension Funds of EXPERTsuisse.


With a view to quality of service and practicality, Fidag guarantees the continued presence of at least one licensed audit expert throughout the mandate, ensuring rapid decision-making and optimal execution.

Did you know?

Of all the fiduciary companies based in French-speaking Switzerland, Fidag comes top in terms of the number of audit mandates.

Tax advice

Our team of 12 tax advisors is here to help you with the various tax issues related to restructuring, inheritance, tax returns, domiciliation, tax planning and VAT.

Fields of expertise

Types of assignment

  • Preparation of tax returns for individuals and legal entities

  • Tax advice on restructuring (mergers, demergers, transformations, asset transfers, reorganisations)

  • Preparation and applications for rulings

  • Support during inspections relating to direct taxes, VAT, withholding taxes

  • Support with tax claims

  • Tax domiciliation

  • Tax planning and optimisation for individuals and legal entities

  • Analysis and implementation of employee profit-sharing plans

  • Pension-related tax optimisation

  • Inheritance and donations

  • Tax appraisals

  • VAT check-ups

Did you know ?

Fidag wants to offer its clients the highest levels of expertise.

With six Swiss certified tax experts and two employees in the process of obtaining their diploma, Fidag is one of the most qualified players in French-speaking Switzerland.


Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla praesentium culpa sunt deserunt inventore, dolores quibusdam delectus incidunt itaque ut, alias quam facere. Esse perspiciatis sint, officia velit deserunt tenetur! Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla praesentium


Whether it's setting up and evaluating ICS, support during a company transfer or due diligence, Fidag offers comprehensive advice to companies, organisations and local authorities.

Fields of expertise

Types of assignment

  • Comprehensive support and advice for companies during the formation, restructuring (transformation, merger, demerger, transfer of assets and liabilities, reorganisation), transfer or liquidation

  • Coaching for business start-ups or reorganisations

  • Analysis and preparation of business plans

  • Assistance in the development of the company strategy

  • Business succession – M&A

  • Due diligence

  • Legal support in the transfer and restructuring of companies

  • Valuation of companies according to different methods (DCF, practitioner method, multiples method)

  • Management controlling advice

  • Implementation of financial reporting and financial performance measurement tools

  • Implementation of analytical accounting and management control systems

  • Implementation and evaluation of internal control systems (including SOX)

  • Evaluation of financial organisation and processes

  • Collaboration on financial management issues

  • Advice and auditing for IT in line with COBIT

  • Implementation and configuration of accounting software

  • Corporate administration

  • Financial planning

  • Financial reports

  • Provision of administrators

  • Company domiciliation

Normes comptables

Code des obligations
Swiss GAAP RPC 26
Swiss GAAP RPC 21

Did you know?

Every year, Fidag supports many entrepreneurs with the transfer of their business. Due diligence, business valuations and restructuring are rapidly gaining in importance.


Bapst Emeline

  • Qualifications : Swiss Federal VET Diploma of Business School
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2019

Bard Estelle

Tax advice Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018

Bassang Charlotte

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Langue(s) : French, English, German
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Bertholet Anne-Françoise

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2007
  • Linkedin

Biolaz Bertrand

  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2008
  • Linkedin


Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Bossonnet Valérie

  • Qualification : Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language·s: French
  • Date of entry into service: 2021

Brou Kouassi Anicet

  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2022
  • Linkedin

Calabretto Rosa

  • Qualification : Swiss Federal VET Diploma of commerce employee with maturity
  • Language (s): French, Italian
  • Date of entry into service: 2014

Chambovey Estelle

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2019

Chappot Viviane

  • Qualifications: Graduate of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2014

Chappuis Malika

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Cherix-Duc Viviane

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2021

Clivaz Bruno

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : commercial employee
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Cremona Eva

Junior Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 2023

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Fauth Christine

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1995

Favre Leatitia

Secretary, Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2012

Ferrat Véronique

  • Qualification : Federal PET Diploma as director’s assistant
  • Language (s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2010
  • Linkedin

Freitas Eduardo

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2016

Granier Caterina

  • Qualification: VET Diploma of Business School in Italy
  • Langue(s): French, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2013

Heyer Elise

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Langue(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Juillerat Bryan

  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma of commerce employee with maturity
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 2022

Kalbermatten Julia

Accounting Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: Federal VET diploma with fiduciary specialisation
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2015

Koller Randoald

  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Krattiger Valentin

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2022
  • Linkedin

Lauciello Annalisa

Secretary - receptionist
  • Qualifications : Business school in Italy, Tour operator
  • Language(s) : French, Italian, English, Spanish
  • Date of entry into service : 2015
  • Linkedin

Lourenço Frédéric

  • Qualifications: CFC for commercial employee + commercial vocational school-leaving certificate 
  • Language: French, English 
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Lovey Julie

  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2021

Mariéthoz Michaela

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce + Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2018

Meyer Suzanne

  • Qualifications: Degree in Economics and Management
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2008

Michaud (-Gaillard) Virginie

  • Qualifications: Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2010

Moritz Sylvia

  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Mouttet Angélique

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Pais Cathia

  • Qualifications: Business School with Maturity
  • Language: French, Portuguese
  • Start date: 2007

Rausis Raphaël

Accounting clerk
  • Qualifications: Baccalaureate, science option
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2010

Rey Elodie

  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2014

Roserens Amélie

  • Qualifications: Federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2017
  • Linkedin

Rottet Carolane

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal PET diploma as Fiduciary agent, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2022

Sampaio Luis

  • Qualifications: Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language: French, Portuguese
  • Start date: 2017

Simoes Anabela

Accounting - secretary
  • Language(s): French, Portuguese
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Steullet Fabienne

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: Winbiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Tamburrino Maéva

Accounting - secretary, receptionist
  • Qualifications : Federal PET Diploma as director’s assistant
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2013

Taverney Jean-Marc

Manager of the Geneva branch
  • Qualifications: MBA, federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IFRS, US GAAP, SOX, internal auditing, business succession
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Tavernier Emilienne

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, ISP graduate
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2012

Thomas Claire

Tax adviser
  • Qualification : HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Vaudan Arthur

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2018

Vieriu Alexandra

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French, English, Romain
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Walter Jessica

  • Qualifications: HES-SO Bachelor in business administration
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2020
  • Linkedin

Bild Adeline

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2017

Clergue Edouard

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Erard Manuela

Authorised representative, Mandates manager
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Licensed auditor
  • Specific skills: Audit selon CO, RPC, MCH2, fiscalité des entreprise, audit organisationnel et SCI
  • Other activities : Accounting closings, Tax
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Fähndrich Aurélie

Authorised representative, Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Girard Karine

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Certificate of Advanced Studies in taxation of SMEs, Diploma of higher studies in accounting and finance
  • Language(s): French English written
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Hrdina Yoshi

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualification: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in accounting, control and finance
  • Language(s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Lathion Sandra

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 1996

Lugon-Moulin Hubert

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Business school
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1990
  • Linkedin

Motta Mario

Authorised representative
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2007
  • Linkedin

Mottier Alain

Assistant manager, Accountant
  • Qualification : Finance and controlling expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2020
  • LinkedIn

Pasche Lucie

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Pianta Raphaël

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Other activities: Lecturer at HEC Lausanne
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Pravato Laetitia

Authorised representative, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017

Rard Fabrice

Authorised representative Accountant
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert
  • Other activities: Controlling
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Reichenbach Alain

Assistant manager, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017
  • Linkedin

Reuse Florent

Assistant manager, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Bachelor in Management, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Savioz Daniel

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Certified auditor
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2016

Schiess Cynthia

Assistant manager, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, HEC Master in economics and law
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017

Theubet Guillaume

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Language(s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Ballestraz Marc-André

Member of the management board
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission – Member of the Professional Ethics Committee of EXPERTsuisse
  • Specific skills: AML – Corporate administration
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 1987
  • Linkedin

Bayard Nicole

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2004

Bays Adeline

Associate Director, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Masters in economics – HEC Lausanne
  • Languages: French, English, Spanish
  • Start date: 2013
  • Linkedin

Fellay Stéphane

Associate Director, Manager of the Verbier branch
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Certified auditor
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2009
  • Linkedin

Mertenat Claude

Deputy Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Posse Gaëtan

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Rankic Dejan

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2006
  • Linkedin

Rudaz Jessy

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2015

Trolliet Laurent

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2005
  • Linkedin

Vuignier Pascal

Associate Director, Quality manager, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Specific skills: Quality – environment – ISO
  • Language: French
  • Date of entry into service: 2001
  • Linkedin

Bandelier Guillaume

Partner, Auditeur
  • Qualification : Swiss certified accountant / Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, German
  • Specific skills: SA revision and pension funds
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Boillat Jean-Luc

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin


Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Darbellay Yves

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Managing Director, Partner
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Information Systems (MScIS), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Audit Committee of EXPERTsuisse – Lecturer at the University of Lausanne – HEC Lausanne
  • Specific skills: Swiss GAAP FER – Internal control systems Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2005
  • Linkedin

De Iaco Jean-Claude

Partner, Manager of Monthey branch, Head of Business Consulting department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IT auditing – Internal control systems
  • Languages: French, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2006
  • Linkedin

Détraz David

Member of the Board of Directors Partner
  • Qualifications: Business school
  • Other activities: Vice President of Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission Language: French
  • Start date: 1990
  • Linkedin

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Florey Christian

Partner, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, HEC Master in Management (MScM)
  • Languages: French, English, German
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Jolissaint José

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET Diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Other activities: Business management, Audit, Taxation
  • Linkedin

Mivelaz Isabelle

Member of the Board of Directors, Director, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Graduate of the law faculty at the University of Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Teaching the taxation of individuals and property in Vaud at various institutions
  • Languages: French, Italian, English
  • Start date: 1997

Pierroz Philippe

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: LBA
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2002
  • Linkedin

Pitteloud Christophe

Member of the Board of Directors, Partner, Head of Auditing department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Auditing of pension funds
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 1996
  • Linkedin

Rey (-Bonnet) Anne-Laure

Partner, Auditor, Manager of the Sierre branch Martigny, Sierre
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, UAS diploma in business administration
  • Other activities: Lecturer at Virgile Formation (specialist and expert certificates in finance and controlling) and at the HEG Sierre – Lecturer at the Swiss Academy of Accountancy, Specific skills Swiss GAAP RPC
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2009
  • Linkedin

Sarrasin Joël

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Partner, Manager of Martigny head office Martigny
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Taxation
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1988
  • Linkedin

Saunier Aude

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Restricted control, ordinary control, revision of municipalities (MCH2), LPP revision
  • Language(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Venezia Dino

Tax advisor, Accountant Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Swiss certified tax expert
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 1990

Voeffray Jacques

Partner, Accountant, Manager of the Sion branch, Head of IT
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Date of entry into service: 1989
  • Linkedin

Vuillaume Marie

Partner, Lawyer
  • Qualifications: Lawyer, CAS in M&A, CAS in SMEs taxation
  • Specific skills: Tax law, company law, labor law, lease law
  • Language(s): French, German
  • English Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Wassmer Jean-Luc

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Chairman of the Valais Association of Certified Accountants.
  • Specific skills: AML
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2011
  • Linkedin

Bapst Emeline

  • Qualifications : Swiss Federal VET Diploma of Business School
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2019

Bard Estelle

Tax advice Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018

Bassang Charlotte

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Langue(s) : French, English, German
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Bertholet Anne-Françoise

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2007
  • Linkedin

Biolaz Bertrand

  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2008
  • Linkedin

Bossonnet Valérie

  • Qualification : Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language·s: French
  • Date of entry into service: 2021

Calabretto Rosa

  • Qualification : Swiss Federal VET Diploma of commerce employee with maturity
  • Language (s): French, Italian
  • Date of entry into service: 2014

Chambovey Estelle

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2019

Chappot Viviane

  • Qualifications: Graduate of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2014

Chappuis Malika

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Cherix-Duc Viviane

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2021

Clivaz Bruno

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : commercial employee
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Cremona Eva

Junior Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 2023

Fauth Christine

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1995

Favre Leatitia

Secretary, Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2012

Ferrat Véronique

  • Qualification : Federal PET Diploma as director’s assistant
  • Language (s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2010
  • Linkedin

Freitas Eduardo

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2016

Granier Caterina

  • Qualification: VET Diploma of Business School in Italy
  • Langue(s): French, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2013

Heyer Elise

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Langue(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Kalbermatten Julia

Accounting Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: Federal VET diploma with fiduciary specialisation
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2015

Krattiger Valentin

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2022
  • Linkedin

Lauciello Annalisa

Secretary - receptionist
  • Qualifications : Business school in Italy, Tour operator
  • Language(s) : French, Italian, English, Spanish
  • Date of entry into service : 2015
  • Linkedin

Lourenço Frédéric

  • Qualifications: CFC for commercial employee + commercial vocational school-leaving certificate 
  • Language: French, English 
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Lovey Julie

  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2021

Mariéthoz Michaela

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce + Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2018

Michaud (-Gaillard) Virginie

  • Qualifications: Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2010

Moritz Sylvia

  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Mouttet Angélique

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Pais Cathia

  • Qualifications: Business School with Maturity
  • Language: French, Portuguese
  • Start date: 2007

Rausis Raphaël

Accounting clerk
  • Qualifications: Baccalaureate, science option
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2010

Rey Elodie

  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2014

Roserens Amélie

  • Qualifications: Federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2017
  • Linkedin

Rottet Carolane

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal PET diploma as Fiduciary agent, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2022

Sampaio Luis

  • Qualifications: Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language: French, Portuguese
  • Start date: 2017

Simoes Anabela

Accounting - secretary
  • Language(s): French, Portuguese
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Steullet Fabienne

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: Winbiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Tamburrino Maéva

Accounting - secretary, receptionist
  • Qualifications : Federal PET Diploma as director’s assistant
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2013

Taverney Jean-Marc

Manager of the Geneva branch
  • Qualifications: MBA, federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IFRS, US GAAP, SOX, internal auditing, business succession
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Tavernier Emilienne

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, ISP graduate
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2012

Vaudan Arthur

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2018

Vieriu Alexandra

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French, English, Romain
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Erard Manuela

Authorised representative, Mandates manager
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Licensed auditor
  • Specific skills: Audit selon CO, RPC, MCH2, fiscalité des entreprise, audit organisationnel et SCI
  • Other activities : Accounting closings, Tax
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Fähndrich Aurélie

Authorised representative, Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Girard Karine

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Certificate of Advanced Studies in taxation of SMEs, Diploma of higher studies in accounting and finance
  • Language(s): French English written
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Lathion Sandra

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 1996

Lugon-Moulin Hubert

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Business school
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1990
  • Linkedin

Motta Mario

Authorised representative
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2007
  • Linkedin

Mottier Alain

Assistant manager, Accountant
  • Qualification : Finance and controlling expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2020
  • LinkedIn

Rard Fabrice

Authorised representative Accountant
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert
  • Other activities: Controlling
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Savioz Daniel

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Certified auditor
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2016

Theubet Guillaume

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Language(s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Bayard Nicole

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2004

Fellay Stéphane

Associate Director, Manager of the Verbier branch
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Certified auditor
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2009
  • Linkedin

Mertenat Claude

Deputy Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Rankic Dejan

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2006
  • Linkedin

Trolliet Laurent

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2005
  • Linkedin

Vuignier Pascal

Associate Director, Quality manager, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Specific skills: Quality – environment – ISO
  • Language: French
  • Date of entry into service: 2001
  • Linkedin

Bandelier Guillaume

Partner, Auditeur
  • Qualification : Swiss certified accountant / Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, German
  • Specific skills: SA revision and pension funds
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Boillat Jean-Luc

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Détraz David

Member of the Board of Directors Partner
  • Qualifications: Business school
  • Other activities: Vice President of Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission Language: French
  • Start date: 1990
  • Linkedin

Jolissaint José

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET Diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Other activities: Business management, Audit, Taxation
  • Linkedin

Mivelaz Isabelle

Member of the Board of Directors, Director, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Graduate of the law faculty at the University of Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Teaching the taxation of individuals and property in Vaud at various institutions
  • Languages: French, Italian, English
  • Start date: 1997

Voeffray Jacques

Partner, Accountant, Manager of the Sion branch, Head of IT
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Date of entry into service: 1989
  • Linkedin

Vuillaume Marie

Partner, Lawyer
  • Qualifications: Lawyer, CAS in M&A, CAS in SMEs taxation
  • Specific skills: Tax law, company law, labor law, lease law
  • Language(s): French, German
  • English Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Brou Kouassi Anicet

  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2022
  • Linkedin

Koller Randoald

  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Meyer Suzanne

  • Qualifications: Degree in Economics and Management
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2008

Taverney Jean-Marc

Manager of the Geneva branch
  • Qualifications: MBA, federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IFRS, US GAAP, SOX, internal auditing, business succession
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Walter Jessica

  • Qualifications: HES-SO Bachelor in business administration
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2020
  • Linkedin

Bild Adeline

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2017

Clergue Edouard

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Erard Manuela

Authorised representative, Mandates manager
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Licensed auditor
  • Specific skills: Audit selon CO, RPC, MCH2, fiscalité des entreprise, audit organisationnel et SCI
  • Other activities : Accounting closings, Tax
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Hrdina Yoshi

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualification: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in accounting, control and finance
  • Language(s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Pasche Lucie

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Pianta Raphaël

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Other activities: Lecturer at HEC Lausanne
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Reichenbach Alain

Assistant manager, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017
  • Linkedin

Reuse Florent

Assistant manager, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Bachelor in Management, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Theubet Guillaume

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Language(s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Ballestraz Marc-André

Member of the management board
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission – Member of the Professional Ethics Committee of EXPERTsuisse
  • Specific skills: AML – Corporate administration
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 1987
  • Linkedin

Mertenat Claude

Deputy Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Posse Gaëtan

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Rudaz Jessy

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2015

Bandelier Guillaume

Partner, Auditeur
  • Qualification : Swiss certified accountant / Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, German
  • Specific skills: SA revision and pension funds
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Boillat Jean-Luc

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Darbellay Yves

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Managing Director, Partner
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Information Systems (MScIS), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Audit Committee of EXPERTsuisse – Lecturer at the University of Lausanne – HEC Lausanne
  • Specific skills: Swiss GAAP FER – Internal control systems Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2005
  • Linkedin

De Iaco Jean-Claude

Partner, Manager of Monthey branch, Head of Business Consulting department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IT auditing – Internal control systems
  • Languages: French, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2006
  • Linkedin

Jolissaint José

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET Diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Other activities: Business management, Audit, Taxation
  • Linkedin

Pierroz Philippe

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: LBA
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2002
  • Linkedin

Pitteloud Christophe

Member of the Board of Directors, Partner, Head of Auditing department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Auditing of pension funds
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 1996
  • Linkedin

Rey (-Bonnet) Anne-Laure

Partner, Auditor, Manager of the Sierre branch Martigny, Sierre
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, UAS diploma in business administration
  • Other activities: Lecturer at Virgile Formation (specialist and expert certificates in finance and controlling) and at the HEG Sierre – Lecturer at the Swiss Academy of Accountancy, Specific skills Swiss GAAP RPC
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2009
  • Linkedin

Sarrasin Joël

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Partner, Manager of Martigny head office Martigny
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Taxation
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1988
  • Linkedin

Saunier Aude

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Restricted control, ordinary control, revision of municipalities (MCH2), LPP revision
  • Language(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Wassmer Jean-Luc

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Chairman of the Valais Association of Certified Accountants.
  • Specific skills: AML
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2011
  • Linkedin

Bard Estelle

Tax advice Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018

Bassang Charlotte

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Langue(s) : French, English, German
  • Date of entry into service: 2019


Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Chappuis Malika

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Clivaz Bruno

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : commercial employee
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Heyer Elise

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Langue(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Mouttet Angélique

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Simoes Anabela

Accounting - secretary
  • Language(s): French, Portuguese
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Steullet Fabienne

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: Winbiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Thomas Claire

Tax adviser
  • Qualification : HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Vieriu Alexandra

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French, English, Romain
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Erard Manuela

Authorised representative, Mandates manager
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Licensed auditor
  • Specific skills: Audit selon CO, RPC, MCH2, fiscalité des entreprise, audit organisationnel et SCI
  • Other activities : Accounting closings, Tax
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Fähndrich Aurélie

Authorised representative, Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Girard Karine

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Certificate of Advanced Studies in taxation of SMEs, Diploma of higher studies in accounting and finance
  • Language(s): French English written
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Pravato Laetitia

Authorised representative, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017

Schiess Cynthia

Assistant manager, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, HEC Master in economics and law
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017

Bays Adeline

Associate Director, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Masters in economics – HEC Lausanne
  • Languages: French, English, Spanish
  • Start date: 2013
  • Linkedin

Mertenat Claude

Deputy Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Bandelier Guillaume

Partner, Auditeur
  • Qualification : Swiss certified accountant / Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, German
  • Specific skills: SA revision and pension funds
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Boillat Jean-Luc

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin


Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Florey Christian

Partner, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, HEC Master in Management (MScM)
  • Languages: French, English, German
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Jolissaint José

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET Diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Other activities: Business management, Audit, Taxation
  • Linkedin

Mivelaz Isabelle

Member of the Board of Directors, Director, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Graduate of the law faculty at the University of Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Teaching the taxation of individuals and property in Vaud at various institutions
  • Languages: French, Italian, English
  • Start date: 1997

Saunier Aude

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Restricted control, ordinary control, revision of municipalities (MCH2), LPP revision
  • Language(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Venezia Dino

Tax advisor, Accountant Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Swiss certified tax expert
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 1990

Vuillaume Marie

Partner, Lawyer
  • Qualifications: Lawyer, CAS in M&A, CAS in SMEs taxation
  • Specific skills: Tax law, company law, labor law, lease law
  • Language(s): French, German
  • English Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Taverney Jean-Marc

Manager of the Geneva branch
  • Qualifications: MBA, federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IFRS, US GAAP, SOX, internal auditing, business succession
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Bild Adeline

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2017

Pianta Raphaël

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Other activities: Lecturer at HEC Lausanne
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Rard Fabrice

Authorised representative Accountant
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert
  • Other activities: Controlling
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Ballestraz Marc-André

Member of the management board
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission – Member of the Professional Ethics Committee of EXPERTsuisse
  • Specific skills: AML – Corporate administration
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 1987
  • Linkedin

Mertenat Claude

Deputy Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Posse Gaëtan

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Rudaz Jessy

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2015

Bandelier Guillaume

Partner, Auditeur
  • Qualification : Swiss certified accountant / Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, German
  • Specific skills: SA revision and pension funds
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Boillat Jean-Luc

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin


Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Darbellay Yves

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Managing Director, Partner
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Information Systems (MScIS), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Audit Committee of EXPERTsuisse – Lecturer at the University of Lausanne – HEC Lausanne
  • Specific skills: Swiss GAAP FER – Internal control systems Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2005
  • Linkedin

De Iaco Jean-Claude

Partner, Manager of Monthey branch, Head of Business Consulting department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IT auditing – Internal control systems
  • Languages: French, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2006
  • Linkedin

Détraz David

Member of the Board of Directors Partner
  • Qualifications: Business school
  • Other activities: Vice President of Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission Language: French
  • Start date: 1990
  • Linkedin

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Florey Christian

Partner, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, HEC Master in Management (MScM)
  • Languages: French, English, German
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Jolissaint José

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET Diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Other activities: Business management, Audit, Taxation
  • Linkedin

Mivelaz Isabelle

Member of the Board of Directors, Director, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Graduate of the law faculty at the University of Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Teaching the taxation of individuals and property in Vaud at various institutions
  • Languages: French, Italian, English
  • Start date: 1997

Pierroz Philippe

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: LBA
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2002
  • Linkedin

Pitteloud Christophe

Member of the Board of Directors, Partner, Head of Auditing department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Auditing of pension funds
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 1996
  • Linkedin

Rey (-Bonnet) Anne-Laure

Partner, Auditor, Manager of the Sierre branch Martigny, Sierre
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, UAS diploma in business administration
  • Other activities: Lecturer at Virgile Formation (specialist and expert certificates in finance and controlling) and at the HEG Sierre – Lecturer at the Swiss Academy of Accountancy, Specific skills Swiss GAAP RPC
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2009
  • Linkedin

Sarrasin Joël

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Partner, Manager of Martigny head office Martigny
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Taxation
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1988
  • Linkedin

Saunier Aude

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Restricted control, ordinary control, revision of municipalities (MCH2), LPP revision
  • Language(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Venezia Dino

Tax advisor, Accountant Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Swiss certified tax expert
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 1990

Voeffray Jacques

Partner, Accountant, Manager of the Sion branch, Head of IT
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Date of entry into service: 1989
  • Linkedin

Vuillaume Marie

Partner, Lawyer
  • Qualifications: Lawyer, CAS in M&A, CAS in SMEs taxation
  • Specific skills: Tax law, company law, labor law, lease law
  • Language(s): French, German
  • English Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Wassmer Jean-Luc

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Chairman of the Valais Association of Certified Accountants.
  • Specific skills: AML
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2011
  • Linkedin

Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Taverney Jean-Marc

Manager of the Geneva branch
  • Qualifications: MBA, federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IFRS, US GAAP, SOX, internal auditing, business succession
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat


Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Taverney Jean-Marc

Manager of the Geneva branch
  • Qualifications: MBA, federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IFRS, US GAAP, SOX, internal auditing, business succession
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Taverney Jean-Marc

Manager of the Geneva branch
  • Qualifications: MBA, federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IFRS, US GAAP, SOX, internal auditing, business succession
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat


Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat


Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Taverney Jean-Marc

Manager of the Geneva branch
  • Qualifications: MBA, federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IFRS, US GAAP, SOX, internal auditing, business succession
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat


Bonvin Sandrine

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law – VAT specialist
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: VAT
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Faget Christopher

Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Master in Law
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Specific skills: Taxation of natural persons, Taxation of legal persons, transfer of companies
  • Date of entry into service: 2020

Bassang Charlotte

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Langue(s) : French, English, German
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Brou Kouassi Anicet

  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2022
  • Linkedin

Chappuis Malika

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Clivaz Bruno

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : commercial employee
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Cremona Eva

Junior Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 2023

Heyer Elise

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Langue(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Juillerat Bryan

  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma of commerce employee with maturity
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 2022

Koller Randoald

  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Krattiger Valentin

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2022
  • Linkedin

Moritz Sylvia

  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Mouttet Angélique

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Rottet Carolane

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal PET diploma as Fiduciary agent, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2022

Simoes Anabela

Accounting - secretary
  • Language(s): French, Portuguese
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Steullet Fabienne

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: Winbiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Vieriu Alexandra

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French, English, Romain
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Erard Manuela

Authorised representative, Mandates manager
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Licensed auditor
  • Specific skills: Audit selon CO, RPC, MCH2, fiscalité des entreprise, audit organisationnel et SCI
  • Other activities : Accounting closings, Tax
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Fähndrich Aurélie

Authorised representative, Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Girard Karine

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Certificate of Advanced Studies in taxation of SMEs, Diploma of higher studies in accounting and finance
  • Language(s): French English written
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Hrdina Yoshi

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualification: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in accounting, control and finance
  • Language(s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Theubet Guillaume

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Language(s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Mertenat Claude

Deputy Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Bandelier Guillaume

Partner, Auditeur
  • Qualification : Swiss certified accountant / Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, German
  • Specific skills: SA revision and pension funds
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Boillat Jean-Luc

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Jolissaint José

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET Diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Other activities: Business management, Audit, Taxation
  • Linkedin

Saunier Aude

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Restricted control, ordinary control, revision of municipalities (MCH2), LPP revision
  • Language(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Vuillaume Marie

Partner, Lawyer
  • Qualifications: Lawyer, CAS in M&A, CAS in SMEs taxation
  • Specific skills: Tax law, company law, labor law, lease law
  • Language(s): French, German
  • English Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Bassang Charlotte

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Langue(s) : French, English, German
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Chappuis Malika

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Clivaz Bruno

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : commercial employee
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Cremona Eva

Junior Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 2023

Heyer Elise

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Langue(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Krattiger Valentin

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2022
  • Linkedin

Moritz Sylvia

  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Mouttet Angélique

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Rottet Carolane

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal PET diploma as Fiduciary agent, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2022

Simoes Anabela

Accounting - secretary
  • Language(s): French, Portuguese
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Steullet Fabienne

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: Winbiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Vieriu Alexandra

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French, English, Romain
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Erard Manuela

Authorised representative, Mandates manager
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Licensed auditor
  • Specific skills: Audit selon CO, RPC, MCH2, fiscalité des entreprise, audit organisationnel et SCI
  • Other activities : Accounting closings, Tax
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Fähndrich Aurélie

Authorised representative, Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Girard Karine

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Certificate of Advanced Studies in taxation of SMEs, Diploma of higher studies in accounting and finance
  • Language(s): French English written
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Theubet Guillaume

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Language(s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Mertenat Claude

Deputy Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Bandelier Guillaume

Partner, Auditeur
  • Qualification : Swiss certified accountant / Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, German
  • Specific skills: SA revision and pension funds
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Boillat Jean-Luc

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Jolissaint José

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET Diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Other activities: Business management, Audit, Taxation
  • Linkedin

Vuillaume Marie

Partner, Lawyer
  • Qualifications: Lawyer, CAS in M&A, CAS in SMEs taxation
  • Specific skills: Tax law, company law, labor law, lease law
  • Language(s): French, German
  • English Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Brou Kouassi Anicet

  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2022
  • Linkedin

Koller Randoald

  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Erard Manuela

Authorised representative, Mandates manager
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Licensed auditor
  • Specific skills: Audit selon CO, RPC, MCH2, fiscalité des entreprise, audit organisationnel et SCI
  • Other activities : Accounting closings, Tax
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Hrdina Yoshi

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualification: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in accounting, control and finance
  • Language(s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Theubet Guillaume

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration
  • Language(s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Mertenat Claude

Deputy Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Bandelier Guillaume

Partner, Auditeur
  • Qualification : Swiss certified accountant / Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, German
  • Specific skills: SA revision and pension funds
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Boillat Jean-Luc

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Jolissaint José

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET Diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Other activities: Business management, Audit, Taxation
  • Linkedin

Saunier Aude

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Restricted control, ordinary control, revision of municipalities (MCH2), LPP revision
  • Language(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Bassang Charlotte

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Langue(s) : French, English, German
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Chappuis Malika

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Federal VET Diploma in commerce with integrated maturity
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Clivaz Bruno

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : commercial employee
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Heyer Elise

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications : Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Langue(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Mouttet Angélique

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Simoes Anabela

Accounting - secretary
  • Language(s): French, Portuguese
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Steullet Fabienne

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French
  • Specific skills: Winbiz specialist
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Vieriu Alexandra

Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language(s): French, English, Romain
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Erard Manuela

Authorised representative, Mandates manager
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Licensed auditor
  • Specific skills: Audit selon CO, RPC, MCH2, fiscalité des entreprise, audit organisationnel et SCI
  • Other activities : Accounting closings, Tax
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2023
  • Linkedin

Fähndrich Aurélie

Authorised representative, Accounting - secretary
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce, Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019

Girard Karine

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Certificate of Advanced Studies in taxation of SMEs, Diploma of higher studies in accounting and finance
  • Language(s): French English written
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Mertenat Claude

Deputy Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Bandelier Guillaume

Partner, Auditeur
  • Qualification : Swiss certified accountant / Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, German
  • Specific skills: SA revision and pension funds
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Boillat Jean-Luc

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Jolissaint José

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET Diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Other activities: Business management, Audit, Taxation
  • Linkedin

Saunier Aude

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Restricted control, ordinary control, revision of municipalities (MCH2), LPP revision
  • Language(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Vuillaume Marie

Partner, Lawyer
  • Qualifications: Lawyer, CAS in M&A, CAS in SMEs taxation
  • Specific skills: Tax law, company law, labor law, lease law
  • Language(s): French, German
  • English Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Mertenat Claude

Deputy Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Bandelier Guillaume

Partner, Auditeur
  • Qualification : Swiss certified accountant / Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, German
  • Specific skills: SA revision and pension funds
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Boillat Jean-Luc

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Fiduciary agent with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Jolissaint José

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications: Fiduciary agent with Federal PET Diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language(s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Other activities: Business management, Audit, Taxation
  • Linkedin

Saunier Aude

Member of the board of Directors, Associate Director
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Restricted control, ordinary control, revision of municipalities (MCH2), LPP revision
  • Language(s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Vuillaume Marie

Partner, Lawyer
  • Qualifications: Lawyer, CAS in M&A, CAS in SMEs taxation
  • Specific skills: Tax law, company law, labor law, lease law
  • Language(s): French, German
  • English Date of entry into service: 2019
  • Linkedin

Bard Estelle

Tax advice Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018

Favre Leatitia

Secretary, Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2012

Kalbermatten Julia

Accounting Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: Federal VET diploma with fiduciary specialisation
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2015

Bild Adeline

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2017

Clergue Edouard

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Pasche Lucie

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Mivelaz Isabelle

Member of the Board of Directors, Director, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Graduate of the law faculty at the University of Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Teaching the taxation of individuals and property in Vaud at various institutions
  • Languages: French, Italian, English
  • Start date: 1997

Venezia Dino

Tax advisor, Accountant Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Swiss certified tax expert
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 1990

Bard Estelle

Tax advice Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018

Favre Leatitia

Secretary, Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2012

Kalbermatten Julia

Accounting Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: Federal VET diploma with fiduciary specialisation
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2015

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Mivelaz Isabelle

Member of the Board of Directors, Director, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Graduate of the law faculty at the University of Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Teaching the taxation of individuals and property in Vaud at various institutions
  • Languages: French, Italian, English
  • Start date: 1997

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Bild Adeline

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2017

Clergue Edouard

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Pasche Lucie

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Bard Estelle

Tax advice Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Mivelaz Isabelle

Member of the Board of Directors, Director, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Graduate of the law faculty at the University of Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Teaching the taxation of individuals and property in Vaud at various institutions
  • Languages: French, Italian, English
  • Start date: 1997

Venezia Dino

Tax advisor, Accountant Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Swiss certified tax expert
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 1990

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Bild Adeline

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2017

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Mivelaz Isabelle

Member of the Board of Directors, Director, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Graduate of the law faculty at the University of Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Teaching the taxation of individuals and property in Vaud at various institutions
  • Languages: French, Italian, English
  • Start date: 1997

Venezia Dino

Tax advisor, Accountant Cabinet fiduciaire et fiscal, Dino Venezia SA
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Swiss certified tax expert
  • Languages: French
  • Start date: 1990

Bapst Emeline

  • Qualifications : Swiss Federal VET Diploma of Business School
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2019

Bertholet Anne-Françoise

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2007
  • Linkedin

Biolaz Bertrand

  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2008
  • Linkedin

Bossonnet Valérie

  • Qualification : Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language·s: French
  • Date of entry into service: 2021

Calabretto Rosa

  • Qualification : Swiss Federal VET Diploma of commerce employee with maturity
  • Language (s): French, Italian
  • Date of entry into service: 2014

Chambovey Estelle

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2019

Chappot Viviane

  • Qualifications: Graduate of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2014

Cherix-Duc Viviane

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2021

Fauth Christine

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1995

Ferrat Véronique

  • Qualification : Federal PET Diploma as director’s assistant
  • Language (s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2010
  • Linkedin

Freitas Eduardo

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2016

Granier Caterina

  • Qualification: VET Diploma of Business School in Italy
  • Langue(s): French, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2013

Lauciello Annalisa

Secretary - receptionist
  • Qualifications : Business school in Italy, Tour operator
  • Language(s) : French, Italian, English, Spanish
  • Date of entry into service : 2015
  • Linkedin

Lourenço Frédéric

  • Qualifications: CFC for commercial employee + commercial vocational school-leaving certificate 
  • Language: French, English 
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Lovey Julie

  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2021

Mariéthoz Michaela

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce + Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2018

Meyer Suzanne

  • Qualifications: Degree in Economics and Management
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2008

Michaud (-Gaillard) Virginie

  • Qualifications: Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2010

Pais Cathia

  • Qualifications: Business School with Maturity
  • Language: French, Portuguese
  • Start date: 2007

Rausis Raphaël

Accounting clerk
  • Qualifications: Baccalaureate, science option
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2010

Rey Elodie

  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2014

Roserens Amélie

  • Qualifications: Federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2017
  • Linkedin

Sampaio Luis

  • Qualifications: Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language: French, Portuguese
  • Start date: 2017

Tamburrino Maéva

Accounting - secretary, receptionist
  • Qualifications : Federal PET Diploma as director’s assistant
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2013

Tavernier Emilienne

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, ISP graduate
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2012

Thomas Claire

Tax adviser
  • Qualification : HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Vaudan Arthur

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2018

Walter Jessica

  • Qualifications: HES-SO Bachelor in business administration
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2020
  • Linkedin

Bild Adeline

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2017

Clergue Edouard

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Lathion Sandra

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 1996

Lugon-Moulin Hubert

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Business school
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1990
  • Linkedin

Motta Mario

Authorised representative
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2007
  • Linkedin

Mottier Alain

Assistant manager, Accountant
  • Qualification : Finance and controlling expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2020
  • LinkedIn

Pasche Lucie

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Pianta Raphaël

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Other activities: Lecturer at HEC Lausanne
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Pravato Laetitia

Authorised representative, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017

Rard Fabrice

Authorised representative Accountant
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert
  • Other activities: Controlling
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Reichenbach Alain

Assistant manager, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017
  • Linkedin

Reuse Florent

Assistant manager, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Bachelor in Management, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Savioz Daniel

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Certified auditor
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2016

Schiess Cynthia

Assistant manager, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, HEC Master in economics and law
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017

Ballestraz Marc-André

Member of the management board
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission – Member of the Professional Ethics Committee of EXPERTsuisse
  • Specific skills: AML – Corporate administration
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 1987
  • Linkedin

Bayard Nicole

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2004

Bays Adeline

Associate Director, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Masters in economics – HEC Lausanne
  • Languages: French, English, Spanish
  • Start date: 2013
  • Linkedin

Fellay Stéphane

Associate Director, Manager of the Verbier branch
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Certified auditor
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2009
  • Linkedin

Posse Gaëtan

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Rankic Dejan

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2006
  • Linkedin

Rudaz Jessy

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2015

Trolliet Laurent

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2005
  • Linkedin

Vuignier Pascal

Associate Director, Quality manager, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Specific skills: Quality – environment – ISO
  • Language: French
  • Date of entry into service: 2001
  • Linkedin

Darbellay Yves

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Managing Director, Partner
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Information Systems (MScIS), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Audit Committee of EXPERTsuisse – Lecturer at the University of Lausanne – HEC Lausanne
  • Specific skills: Swiss GAAP FER – Internal control systems Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2005
  • Linkedin

De Iaco Jean-Claude

Partner, Manager of Monthey branch, Head of Business Consulting department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IT auditing – Internal control systems
  • Languages: French, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2006
  • Linkedin

Détraz David

Member of the Board of Directors Partner
  • Qualifications: Business school
  • Other activities: Vice President of Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission Language: French
  • Start date: 1990
  • Linkedin

Florey Christian

Partner, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, HEC Master in Management (MScM)
  • Languages: French, English, German
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Pierroz Philippe

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: LBA
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2002
  • Linkedin

Pitteloud Christophe

Member of the Board of Directors, Partner, Head of Auditing department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Auditing of pension funds
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 1996
  • Linkedin

Rey (-Bonnet) Anne-Laure

Partner, Auditor, Manager of the Sierre branch Martigny, Sierre
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, UAS diploma in business administration
  • Other activities: Lecturer at Virgile Formation (specialist and expert certificates in finance and controlling) and at the HEG Sierre – Lecturer at the Swiss Academy of Accountancy, Specific skills Swiss GAAP RPC
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2009
  • Linkedin

Sarrasin Joël

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Partner, Manager of Martigny head office Martigny
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Taxation
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1988
  • Linkedin

Voeffray Jacques

Partner, Accountant, Manager of the Sion branch, Head of IT
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Date of entry into service: 1989
  • Linkedin

Wassmer Jean-Luc

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Chairman of the Valais Association of Certified Accountants.
  • Specific skills: AML
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2011
  • Linkedin

Bapst Emeline

  • Qualifications : Swiss Federal VET Diploma of Business School
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2019

Bertholet Anne-Françoise

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2007
  • Linkedin

Biolaz Bertrand

  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2008
  • Linkedin

Bossonnet Valérie

  • Qualification : Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language·s: French
  • Date of entry into service: 2021

Calabretto Rosa

  • Qualification : Swiss Federal VET Diploma of commerce employee with maturity
  • Language (s): French, Italian
  • Date of entry into service: 2014

Chambovey Estelle

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2019

Chappot Viviane

  • Qualifications: Graduate of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2014

Cherix-Duc Viviane

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2021

Fauth Christine

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1995

Ferrat Véronique

  • Qualification : Federal PET Diploma as director’s assistant
  • Language (s): French, German, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2010
  • Linkedin

Freitas Eduardo

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2016

Granier Caterina

  • Qualification: VET Diploma of Business School in Italy
  • Langue(s): French, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2013

Lauciello Annalisa

Secretary - receptionist
  • Qualifications : Business school in Italy, Tour operator
  • Language(s) : French, Italian, English, Spanish
  • Date of entry into service : 2015
  • Linkedin

Lourenço Frédéric

  • Qualifications: CFC for commercial employee + commercial vocational school-leaving certificate 
  • Language: French, English 
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Lovey Julie

  • Qualifications: Swiss Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2021

Mariéthoz Michaela

  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Federal VET Diploma in commerce + Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2018

Michaud (-Gaillard) Virginie

  • Qualifications: Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2010

Pais Cathia

  • Qualifications: Business School with Maturity
  • Language: French, Portuguese
  • Start date: 2007

Rausis Raphaël

Accounting clerk
  • Qualifications: Baccalaureate, science option
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2010

Rey Elodie

  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2014

Roserens Amélie

  • Qualifications: Federal PET diploma as fiduciary agent
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2017
  • Linkedin

Sampaio Luis

  • Qualifications: Swiss federal commercial vocational baccalaureate
  • Language: French, Portuguese
  • Start date: 2017

Tamburrino Maéva

Accounting - secretary, receptionist
  • Qualifications : Federal PET Diploma as director’s assistant
  • Language (s): French
  • Date of entry into service: 2013

Tavernier Emilienne

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, ISP graduate
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2012

Vaudan Arthur

  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2018

Lathion Sandra

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Federal VET Diploma in commerce
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 1996

Lugon-Moulin Hubert

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Business school
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1990
  • Linkedin

Motta Mario

Authorised representative
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Licensed audit expert
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2007
  • Linkedin

Mottier Alain

Assistant manager, Accountant
  • Qualification : Finance and controlling expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2020
  • LinkedIn

Rard Fabrice

Authorised representative Accountant
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert
  • Other activities: Controlling
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Savioz Daniel

Authorised representative, Accountant
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Certified auditor
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2016

Bayard Nicole

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert
  • Languages: French, German
  • Start date: 2004

Fellay Stéphane

Associate Director, Manager of the Verbier branch
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma, Certified auditor
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2009
  • Linkedin

Rankic Dejan

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2006
  • Linkedin

Trolliet Laurent

Associate Director, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2005
  • Linkedin

Vuignier Pascal

Associate Director, Quality manager, Accountant
  • Qualifications: Specialist in finance and accountancy with Federal PET diploma
  • Specific skills: Quality – environment – ISO
  • Language: French
  • Date of entry into service: 2001
  • Linkedin

Détraz David

Member of the Board of Directors Partner
  • Qualifications: Business school
  • Other activities: Vice President of Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission Language: French
  • Start date: 1990
  • Linkedin

Voeffray Jacques

Partner, Accountant, Manager of the Sion branch, Head of IT
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Date of entry into service: 1989
  • Linkedin

Meyer Suzanne

  • Qualifications: Degree in Economics and Management
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2008

Walter Jessica

  • Qualifications: HES-SO Bachelor in business administration
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 2020
  • Linkedin

Bild Adeline

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2017

Clergue Edouard

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Pasche Lucie

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications : Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Pianta Raphaël

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Other activities: Lecturer at HEC Lausanne
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Reichenbach Alain

Assistant manager, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master (MScCCF), Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017
  • Linkedin

Reuse Florent

Assistant manager, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Bachelor in Management, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Ballestraz Marc-André

Member of the management board
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission – Member of the Professional Ethics Committee of EXPERTsuisse
  • Specific skills: AML – Corporate administration
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 1987
  • Linkedin

Posse Gaëtan

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Rudaz Jessy

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2015

Darbellay Yves

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Managing Director, Partner
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Information Systems (MScIS), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Audit Committee of EXPERTsuisse – Lecturer at the University of Lausanne – HEC Lausanne
  • Specific skills: Swiss GAAP FER – Internal control systems Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2005
  • Linkedin

De Iaco Jean-Claude

Partner, Manager of Monthey branch, Head of Business Consulting department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IT auditing – Internal control systems
  • Languages: French, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2006
  • Linkedin

Pierroz Philippe

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: LBA
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2002
  • Linkedin

Pitteloud Christophe

Member of the Board of Directors, Partner, Head of Auditing department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Auditing of pension funds
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 1996
  • Linkedin

Rey (-Bonnet) Anne-Laure

Partner, Auditor, Manager of the Sierre branch Martigny, Sierre
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, UAS diploma in business administration
  • Other activities: Lecturer at Virgile Formation (specialist and expert certificates in finance and controlling) and at the HEG Sierre – Lecturer at the Swiss Academy of Accountancy, Specific skills Swiss GAAP RPC
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2009
  • Linkedin

Sarrasin Joël

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Partner, Manager of Martigny head office Martigny
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Taxation
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1988
  • Linkedin

Wassmer Jean-Luc

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Chairman of the Valais Association of Certified Accountants.
  • Specific skills: AML
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2011
  • Linkedin

Thomas Claire

Tax adviser
  • Qualification : HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Language (s): French, English
  • Date of entry into service: 2021
  • Linkedin

Pravato Laetitia

Authorised representative, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, UAS diploma in business administration
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017

Schiess Cynthia

Assistant manager, Tax advisor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, HEC Master in economics and law
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2017

Bays Adeline

Associate Director, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Masters in economics – HEC Lausanne
  • Languages: French, English, Spanish
  • Start date: 2013
  • Linkedin

Florey Christian

Partner, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, HEC Master in Management (MScM)
  • Languages: French, English, German
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat

Bild Adeline

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2017

Pianta Raphaël

Authorised representative, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Other activities: Lecturer at HEC Lausanne
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2018
  • Linkedin

Rard Fabrice

Authorised representative Accountant
  • Qualifications: UAS diploma in business administration, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert
  • Other activities: Controlling
  • Language: French, English
  • Start date: 2012
  • Linkedin

Ballestraz Marc-André

Member of the management board
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission – Member of the Professional Ethics Committee of EXPERTsuisse
  • Specific skills: AML – Corporate administration
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 1987
  • Linkedin

Posse Gaëtan

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, HEC Master (MScCCF)
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Rudaz Jessy

Associate Director, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2015

Darbellay Yves

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Managing Director, Partner
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Information Systems (MScIS), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Member of the Audit Committee of EXPERTsuisse – Lecturer at the University of Lausanne – HEC Lausanne
  • Specific skills: Swiss GAAP FER – Internal control systems Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2005
  • Linkedin

De Iaco Jean-Claude

Partner, Manager of Monthey branch, Head of Business Consulting department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: IT auditing – Internal control systems
  • Languages: French, English, Italian
  • Start date: 2006
  • Linkedin

Détraz David

Member of the Board of Directors Partner
  • Qualifications: Business school
  • Other activities: Vice President of Cantonal Tax Appeals Commission Language: French
  • Start date: 1990
  • Linkedin

Florey Christian

Partner, Tax adviser
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified tax expert, Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, HEC Master in Management (MScM)
  • Languages: French, English, German
  • Start date: 2015
  • Linkedin

Pierroz Philippe

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC graduate Lausanne, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: LBA
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2002
  • Linkedin

Pitteloud Christophe

Member of the Board of Directors, Partner, Head of Auditing department
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Auditing of pension funds
  • Languages: French, German, English, Italian
  • Start date: 1996
  • Linkedin

Rey (-Bonnet) Anne-Laure

Partner, Auditor, Manager of the Sierre branch Martigny, Sierre
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, Licensed audit expert, UAS diploma in business administration
  • Other activities: Lecturer at Virgile Formation (specialist and expert certificates in finance and controlling) and at the HEG Sierre – Lecturer at the Swiss Academy of Accountancy, Specific skills Swiss GAAP RPC
  • Languages: French, English
  • Start date: 2009
  • Linkedin

Sarrasin Joël

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Partner, Manager of Martigny head office Martigny
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified fiduciary expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: Taxation
  • Language: French
  • Start date: 1988
  • Linkedin

Voeffray Jacques

Partner, Accountant, Manager of the Sion branch, Head of IT
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified finance and controlling expert, Licensed audit expert
  • Specific skills: WinBiz specialist
  • Language: French
  • Date of entry into service: 1989
  • Linkedin

Wassmer Jean-Luc

Partner, Auditor
  • Qualifications: Swiss certified public accountant, HEC Master in Management (MScM), Licensed audit expert
  • Other activities: Chairman of the Valais Association of Certified Accountants.
  • Specific skills: AML
  • Languages: French, German, English
  • Start date: 2011
  • Linkedin